She’s a smart cookie, and I’m excited for it all. I’m excited to take her to extracurriculars and chaperone field trips. I’m scared shitless. But excited.
Welcome to parenting? hehe. you’re a parent. not a step-parent. That’s just an artificial distinction that reinforces distance. If you’re the one in her life, trying to be a good father to her, then you are her father. she might have another father… but you’re in her life. And for the record, more parents could follow your example.
also, parenting should be terrifying, so you’re in good company as far as that goes. 10 months ago
Thanks. I know it’ll a challenge. She’s five now, and will be six by the time she moves in. I’m super excited that I have a goddaughter who is a year and a half younger than her. I really want to build the relationship so that she has someone her age to grow up with and befriend.
I’m trying to give her every opportunity to experience everything. She recently visited my house for the first time (I’m in the Midwest and she and her mom are from California) and it was the first time she had been to a zoo and a children’s museum.
I want to give her every experience and opportunity I can. 10 months ago
That’s such a fun age! And they really start to develop their personalities, so you are getting on board at a great time. Just enjoy the time together, play games, and get your dad jokes ready and you’ll be golden! Congrats on the family!