The international fixed calendar is basically what’s described here. But it adds one day to bring it to 365, that day is called year day, and its an extra day, not a day of the week just a bonus day. Leap years get a second extra day 6 months later.
Comment on Or we could do metric time 8 months ago
You left out one day 28x13 is 365 The alignment to the weekdays is only right every seventh year. Every sixth of you account for leap years. 8 months ago 8 months ago
You know what… The more I hear about this calendar the more I like it.
A celebration day that doesn’t count… That’s neat. 8 months ago
A day where you dont work, everything is closed, and you recover from the new years hangover. 8 months ago
That day would be new year’s day, not an ordinary day. So those weeks would be 8 months ago
I felt a great disturbance in the Force, as if millions of developers suddenly cried out in terror and were suddenly silenced. I fear something terrible has happened. 8 months ago
Universal holidays between the years was good enough for the Mayans and it’s good enough for me!