According to the defamation lawsuit Trump committed sexual assault. And since common parlance doesnt differentiat between sexual assault and rape you could probably call him a rapist.
Comment on How does South Park get away with trashing identifiable people? Are they sued often? 9 months agoIANAL, but I’m pretty sure calling someone a rapist who hasn’t been convicted in a court of law of being a rapist could get you into trouble. Now the fascist part is completely subjective so you could probably get away with it. 9 months ago 9 months ago
And according to the counter suit, carol is allowed to call him a rapist.
Remember, you don’t have to be convicted of rape to be a rapist, you are not innocent and then magically guilty. It is merely a presumption of innocence until proven so, but that’s a procedural thing to prevent the courts from infringing on rights. It has absolutely nothing to do with the true facts of guilt.
It’s not defamation. 9 months ago
All rape is sexual assault, not all sexual assault is rape. Calling all sexual assault rape dilutes the term. 9 months ago
Nope. I sincerely believe Trump is a rapist.
That’s not defamation because I have good reason to believe that.
Remember, the presumption of innocence is not a matter of fact- it’s an assumption that dictates procedural principles until it is in fact proven. But, if you rape some one… your a rapist. Period. 9 months ago
Simply believing a thing is true will not protect you from a defamation suit. You have to know he is, not just believe it. I suppose this varies from country to country.
I’m not obsessed with Donald Trump like most people seem to be, so I don’t follow his news much. I don’t have good reason to believe he’s a rapist, and prefer to wait until he’s convicted in a court of law, and would hope others would give me the same benefit of the doubt. 9 months ago
No, the fact that a judge ruled that he raped someone is what protects one from a defamation suit. At that point you’re just quoting the judge 9 months ago
Jury. A jury in 2023 found him liable for sexual abuse/defamation where Carol was awarded $5 million.…/trump-rape-carroll-trial-fe68259a4b9…
This year, another jury awarded her an additional $83 million for defamation.
I read three articles, and watched an NBC video, not one of them stated he was found liable for rape.