Also thunder and lightning really ought to count as seeing and hearing electricity.
Hell, seeing anything at all may technically count, because electromagnetic waves.
Comment on tremendous 10 months agoPeople have most certainly felt electricity.
Also thunder and lightning really ought to count as seeing and hearing electricity.
Hell, seeing anything at all may technically count, because electromagnetic waves.
People can also say where it’s from. 10 months ago
Mistaking it for being touched by the hand of god, instead of being a toaster with a short circuit. 10 months ago
As someone who did this before knowing it was dangerous I got away with it a ridiculous amount of times. 10 months ago
Your username seems to be weirdly accurate. 10 months ago
It was not a title I chose but one I simply learned to accept. 10 months ago
How was your Operation game? I’m guessing you won a lot.