It is still important to understand that the only thing which can be known about reality with complete certainty is:
- There is isness. Reality exists.
We cannot know with certainty the nature of that reality. We can only know our perception, and even if we accept that we are perceiving reality (which is most likely, but not necessarily, true), our perceptions of that reality are incomplete and flawed. That's a pretty important part of the nature of being. 10 months ago
Objective reality doesn’t exist, and that’s a good thing, because it means our entire universe is subjective, and therefore, malleable to our perceptions. It means that with a big enough idea and a mind on which to balance it, we can move the earth. 10 months ago
I think, therefore I am. An objective reality exists, because you exist. The question is, how much of reality can you perceive, and to what limit? 10 months ago
My existence is subjective. Therefore any reality whose existence is assumed on my basis is also subjective. 10 months ago
I don’t think you know what these words mean.