It’s got to be an absolutely wild experience going through life thinking there is no middle ground between inviting strangers (many of whom are dealing with addiction or untreated mental illness) to sleep with you and your children and putting spikes and bars on all publicly accessible places to make life harder for those suffering the most.
I’m guessing you love factory farming, animal abuse, migrant abuse, and child labor since you eat food? 10 months ago
absurdism ergo hoc. I work with local homeless and have helped build tiny houses for the local homeless communities. Our goal is to provide housing so that people can access services critical to breaking the cycle of homelessness. a few weeks on my couch isn’t going to change someone’s life; a few months in a stable community with access to public services - to get them ID, to get them treatment for addiction, to get them job skills and financial aid - these are the things that change a life.
You’re so damned certain you have everything figured out, when you’re simply in the dark… mumbling to yourself, head up your own rectum.