Yeeeah, adding my voice to the "WTF you on about" choir, but since this is a fun exercise anyway:
-10 Cloverfield Lane
-The African Queen
-The Apartment
-As Good As It Gets
Yeah, ok, look, I'm just looking at my DVD shelf and getting more confused about WTH you're talking about every couple of entries. This is a very weird hot take.
But you see what I mean, right? A strong female character invariably starts looking like a man. Which is, of course, a cheap shortcut on the part of the writer.
musculature is not solely masculine, but if that’s the association for you, it makes sense that you feel a woman with muscles “starts looking like a man”. a similar circular reasoning would be arrived at if you simply considered strength itself to be a masculine trait. 11 months ago
And Ripley. Tall. Squarejawed. Ripped. Kicks ass constantly. Can drive a big robot loader thingy, to the impressment of the alpha dudes.
Can you think of any examples of movie portrayal of strong women that did not involve turning into a man?
Surely it exists. 11 months ago
Yeeeah, adding my voice to the "WTF you on about" choir, but since this is a fun exercise anyway:
-10 Cloverfield Lane
-The African Queen
-The Apartment
-As Good As It Gets
Yeah, ok, look, I'm just looking at my DVD shelf and getting more confused about WTH you're talking about every couple of entries. This is a very weird hot take. 11 months ago
a woman can be physically strong without “turning into a man”.
strength of character? how about “nomadland” or “meek’s cutoff”? 11 months ago
I have not seen either of those.
But you see what I mean, right? A strong female character invariably starts looking like a man. Which is, of course, a cheap shortcut on the part of the writer.
What are feminine expressions of strength? 11 months ago
She doesn’t look manly at all. What are you talking about? 11 months ago
musculature is not solely masculine, but if that’s the association for you, it makes sense that you feel a woman with muscles “starts looking like a man”. a similar circular reasoning would be arrived at if you simply considered strength itself to be a masculine trait.