Man, you humans are going to be really upset when you find the universal wall…
I mean uh…
Hey, how was the game last night amirite?
Comment on How to open a textbook 10 months ago
My third year thermodynamics course opened with a similar quip by the lecturer. Entropy is actually depressing. You can’t fight it. You can’t not fight it. It just wins.
Man, you humans are going to be really upset when you find the universal wall…
I mean uh…
Hey, how was the game last night amirite?
Did you see that ludicrous display last night?
What was Wenger thinking sending Walcott on that early?
Thing about Arsenal is they always try and walk it in
Yeah he played his most popular hit “Move” and people went nuts as usual.
All we have to decide is what to do with the entropy that is given us.
To quote The Star Child, “What, you haven’t planned that far ahead?”
Life is a temporary win over it, just enjoy it while you can.
Well I mean yeah. It wasn’t my first existential crisis - you get used to them eventually. Or you do what those guys did I guess. 10 months ago
So… that’s why I never tidy up my room. I’m just too smart!