mfer never heard of a synonym
Comment on I feel old 8 months agothey literally redefined it. It no longer means to ’ : presented as a gift : bestowed without compensation ’ or ‘particular, specified’ or ’ : immediately present in experience ’ they’re using it as “it gives me the energy of” which already HAD A DEFINITION. THAT’S WHAT VIBE MEANS.
That’s not the original definition of ‘giving’ something, i have no clue where you got that from.
Bunch of morons downvoting too, bet y’all saying giving a hundred times a day. fucking idiots. 8 months ago 8 months ago
Those were not the only original definitions of giving by a long shot. Another original definition was to provide, offer, impart, communicate, or pass on something, (hence the phrase “giving off” which has been around for a long time, example: it’s giving off radiation), etc. It’s not gen Z’s fault you don’t know all the definitions of giving. 8 months ago
Yeah if used in that manner you have to put a word after it. Not doing so is redefining it