- Comment on I feel old 11 months ago:
No I don’t think people who use the word “digger” are specifically and purposefully altering the N word and directly referencing it.
- Comment on Forbidden cats 11 months ago:
By that logic any smaller predator that feeds on small animals is a “cat” and any large predator that feeds on larger animals and/or hunts in packs is a “dog” which is… Not at all how nature works. Foxes are canines that exhibit a lot of classic canine behaviour and very little cat behaviour, domestic cats are not actually solitary creatures just solitary hunters hence why they develop colonies, some wolf species are solitary hunters such as the maned wolf, birds of prey also fill the same ecological niche as cats, as do weasels, chimpanzees are large pack hunting mammals too but no one would ever say they’re running “dog software”, lions and hyenas exhibit completely different behaviours and social structures from both domestic dogs and cats as well as each other, lions also aren’t the only large cats that hunt in groups, cheetahs can as well when they form a coalition. It just seems like a dumb way to classify animals as if dogs and cats aren’t extremely diverse and complex animals in their own right and instead every member has to be forced into these awkward and inaccurate “hardware vs software” stereotypes.
- Comment on Forbidden cats 11 months ago:
Foxes don’t share all that many behaviours with cats though, they share more with dogs, so I don’t know why people always say this.
- Comment on I feel old 11 months ago:
What would the D even stand for? 🤔
- Comment on I feel old 11 months ago:
Those were not the only original definitions of giving by a long shot. Another original definition was to provide, offer, impart, communicate, or pass on something, (hence the phrase “giving off” which has been around for a long time, example: it’s giving off radiation), etc. It’s not gen Z’s fault you don’t know all the definitions of giving.
- Comment on Every single jigsaw puzzle in the store was one of these. 11 months ago:
If it’s a spot the difference style thing then the art won’t be dramatically different and you still get to have the box art at least.
- Comment on Every single jigsaw puzzle in the store was one of these. 11 months ago:
This just provides a small added challenge, I don’t really see an issue . If you want an easier jigsaw they might sell them at a toy store.
- Comment on I feel old 11 months ago:
I mean, they’re technically calling black people the N word by proxy (it’s mean to essentially be white + N word to refer to a white guy pretending to be/acting black). So it seems like a case of “if you’re not black you probably shouldn’t say it”.
- Comment on I feel old 11 months ago:
They didn’t redefine giving, it’s literally being used for its original definition. Just add “energy” or “vibes” at the end of the sentence and it clarifies exactly how it’s used. If someone sees your outfit and says “It’s giving Beyoncé” -> “it’s giving Beyoncé energy”, your outfit is reminding them of Beyoncé. As in it is providing/offering said Beyoncé-like energy, aka one of the original definitions of giving something.
- Comment on Okay, but Mötley is a pretty awesome name. 11 months ago:
I mean being obese will result in a hard time growing up no matter what your name is let’s be honest.
- Comment on Okay, but Mötley is a pretty awesome name. 11 months ago:
If I had been named Triniteigh I would have legally changed my name as soon as I was old enough. That’s an atrocity of a name.
- Comment on Anon buys an air fryer 11 months ago:
It is waaay faster and easier to use than an oven.
- Comment on What if I ever need it? 1 year ago:
Just got my certificate for first aid training and this is not true. It has changed a few times but atm mouth to mouth IS recommended.
- Comment on *The Traumatic School Bus!* 🎵 1 year ago:
I mean let’s not pretend than when we were kids we didn’t dream of going on a field trip like the ones in the show. I wanted to slide around on the frictionless baseball diamond so bad.
- Comment on Hunger 1 year ago:
In sync you can choose to have either!
- Comment on temperature 1 year ago:
I grew up with celcius and to me it feels more applicable to the human experience. It literally only depends on which one you’re more used to, idk why people feel the need to come up with these weird unnecessary “explanations”.
- Comment on 🤢... 1 year ago:
They are a lot more similar to each other than a blast furnace is to an oven but whatever man.
- Comment on 🤢... 1 year ago:
Considering you can find traces of human feces on literally every surface inside a human home, I imagine you mainly need stuff like that for surgery, and surgical items are washed in what is, essentially, a dishwasher.
- Comment on 🤢... 1 year ago:
Hot water isn’t the only thing cleaning your dishes you know.
- Comment on 🤢... 1 year ago:
I mean logically the kind of shit that grows on your dishes isn’t much better for you than the literal shit that a toilet brush would scrub out of your toilet bowl. They both contain a lot of the same bacteria, you wouldn’t be much better off licking an old used plate that has been sitting in a moist environment for a few days before you put the dishwasher on than you would be from licking a toilet brush. Well made dishwashers are designed to vigorously wash and, with the right settings and detergent, sanitize everything inside them so that they are safe to eat off of. Heck the machines they use to sanitize surgical equipment are essentially fancy dishwashers. But emotionally I couldn’t do it. Even if I used the best dishwasher known to man and rewashed everything multiple times, I just wouldn’t be able to get over that mental hurdle.
- Comment on Chicken soup 1 year ago:
- Comment on Let's goooooo 1 year ago:
Body image and psychological stuff still fall under societal influence rather than biological influence, and hormones are a sex thing, not a gender thing.
Something being a social construct doesn’t mean it doesn’t have a tangible influence on how people feel, it just means that it isn’t based on intrinsic biological fact. What constitutes being a “man” or a “woman” differs between cultures and between people, it is often tied to biology, but it doesn’t come from biology. Something like pink being a girl’s colour or women wearing makeup or men drinking beers instead of daquiris, those are all arbitrary performances people put on based on what society tells them men or women should do. Even the pronouns he/she were invented, some languages don’t have gendered pronouns by default like English does. None of that comes from biology, biology doesn’t tell us what pronouns we use or what we should wear.
- Comment on Let's goooooo 1 year ago:
You’re thinking of an archaeologist not an anthropologist, and skeletal differences are related to sex not gender.
- Comment on Games that force you to make hard choices 1 year ago:
Detroit: Become Human generally has big overarching choices that are more obviously good vs bad, or rather pacifist vs violent and deviant vs machine, but a lot of the smaller in-between choices can make a big difference regarding who lives and who dies, and a lot of them aren’t obvious, especially in Kara’s story line. One in particular that I remember can seem like an obvious “doing the right thing” choice but it actually is a choice that can get several characters killed as a result if you do what seems like the “good person” thing. Getting to the end with everyone still alive can be surprisingly difficult without a guide, and there are a lot of different endings and branching paths depending on a lot of different choices. One character has I think somewhere around 26 separate chances of dying in the story at different points in the game. There’s an achievement for getting all of them lol.
Heavy rain is similar to DBH but less obvious about having particular good or bad routes iirc. Like it does do the “pacifist vs violent” or “deviant vs machine” style choices, but there are a lot of different choices that can affect the ending and who survives to the end.
Dragon Age Origins is an oldie but a goodies with a ton of endings and decisions that aren’t strictly good or bad. The following DA games are good too but the first one fits what you’re looking for the most.
Those are ones I can think of off the top of my head.
- Comment on Portal Paradox 1 year ago:
As far as I’m aware gravity doesn’t directly act on portals so I don’t think they would experience acceleration from Gravity themselves. Though I was thinking about it more in terms of general relativity rather than Newtonian gravity.
- Comment on Portal Paradox 1 year ago:
They can move at a constant speed in a constant direction, but the acceleration would break them.
- Comment on Portal Paradox 1 year ago:
Theoretically you can if they’re moving in a constant direction at a constant speed.
- Comment on KFC be like... 1 year ago:
I don’t know if you’ve ever seen a chicken before but they are definitely not this small. This also isn’t a reasonable portion size bro that’s a penny.
- Comment on It's like a game where you can't make mistakes 1 year ago:
Gee I don’t know, for fun maybe?
- Comment on This person's rejection reason 1 year ago:
I just put the month name instead of the month number personally.