Actually the internet supports audio and video. If anything that’s evidence that newspapers, books, and really everything before TV and radio is corrosive to human communication. Well that and text based forums like this are corrosive.
Just because a medium isn’t perfect doesn’t make it corrosive. The problem here is the way human brains deal with things, not the things themselves. TV and video also cause loads of problems, because people treat them as too real. It’s a balance really. 9 months ago
I agree that text is poor in conveying intent, tone, etc. but text predates the internet by at least a couple years 9 months ago
The oldest written text I’ve found in three seconds of research in contained in this ancient meme, which is believed to have originated in the early days of the internet. So while it’s not enough to disprove your claim, it seems to suggest that text and internet actually started roughly at the same time, possibly building on top of each other. 9 months ago
See this is why I love Lemmy. There’s always an academic around to point you in the right direction. Cheers ! 9 months ago
I meant to make a point about how the internet has made unedited written conversation far more prevalent in everyday life. Edited and peer-reviewed writing is different from the majority of what people read and write on a daily basis (including myself, because obviously my initial comment could’ve used more time in the oven) 9 months ago
Absolutely, I understand. I was trying to be humorous but clearly text has failed me, and humanity at large, once again.