Man, this shit is already normalized. MTX isn’t going anywhere. Zero complaints since horse armor have made a difference. At this point, the best I’m hoping for is not being reminded that there is MTX while playing the game.
Comment on Dragons dogma 2 controversy over the DLC on steam ( and optimisation and denuvo ) 11 months ago
For better or for worse capcom is doing this shit in nearly every one of their games so i kinda expected this shit And if we stop shitting on them for doing it, we let it become normalized.
Denuvo is a cancer This pretty much sums up the topic.
Optimisation. It is poor apparently. Nothing new really as far as pc games go. It’s actually a lot worse than that. It’s been a while since I played something that had this level of problems. The fact that it’s CPU-based performance is actually the bigger issue because it doesn’t matter how beefy your graphics card is, you’re still dropping a ton of frames in that city specifically. I can run the game at 144 FPS until I go to that city, then it drops to 40, which is just outrageous. Gaming PC build logic has for a long time been to prioritize a great graphics card over a great processor (assuming you’re building with a budget and not a ‘money is no object’ type build), because that’s what matters for games, but suddenly with this one specific game, the processor is the bottleneck. 11 months ago 11 months ago
To add to that, the DLC thing really pisses me off particularly because I bought the game last night, and there was no DLC. The DLC didn’t show up until a few hours later, and by that point it was too late to refund it. Kind of felt like a bait and switch, because normally I wouldn’t buy a game at launch if they did that shit. 11 months ago
Yeah, I would still fight for a refund personally. Not trying to assume you have the time or energy to go after it, but I feel like this is extenuating circumstances 11 months ago
There was no mention of this in the reviews right? Feels like this was done deliberately so that it wouldn’t impact scores. 11 months ago
Yes, that’s a years-old tactic at this point. It was big in the loot box era.