Isn’t anyone excited?
The excited people are playing the game right now instead of shit posting on Lemmy. :D
Comment on Horizon Forbidden West is now available on PC 11 months ago
Man reading through comments here… I’m getting real burned out on the constant negativity in the gaming community. It’s always been negative, but ffs we used to have fun too. Now a new game drops, no issues I’ve heard so far and it’s still only negative stuff. Isn’t anyone excited?
Isn’t anyone excited?
The excited people are playing the game right now instead of shit posting on Lemmy. :D
Man I feel the same way, the internet can be so negative sometimes. People just need to relax. I’ve been waiting to play ever since it came out on PS5 and I held out for the PC version. Now it’s finally here and I am super excited for it to be honest. It’s a good port by Nixxes and runs like a dream on my PC. The game looks insanely good too, so it’s a technical marvel in my book.
See, that’s awesome to hear, and that makes me happy. I personally haven’t played them but my SO is super excited, and I think I’m going to pick it up for them. Thanks for being excited about games!
Hope they enjoy it 🌻
Feels to me like some folks just want to give due warning to help others from throwing money away. I don’t think most are being negative for negativity’s sake - but I may just be too optimistic about the state of the discourse.
New games without bugs are always a good thing.
I’m not excited just because my backlog is huge, I maybe play this in about ten years when it has gotten a bit smaller.
That’s the problem, there are too many games and so little time. But I agree, this doesn’t seem to be the next unfinished buginfested piece of shit but actually worth it’s money.
If you would now excuse me, I’ve got to get back to Arx Fatalis. Backlog… 11 months ago
On a HZD post, I remember saying years ago I can’t wait because I’d love to play it on keyboard and mouse!
Got downvoted like hell and someone replied, “you can’t play it with a mouse and keyboard”.
I was completely baffled as to what’s going on. 11 months ago
Yeah that’s baffling, I thought it was better with KB/M, it’s easier to target the machine’s subsystems with a mouse! Even compared with auto-aim on the gamepad. 11 months ago
So many gatekeepers. And worse when you’re having fun doing something that they don’t approve of.