So I was fat and hired a personal trainer, went to the most tech gym, went to the same bodybuilding team nutritionist, and the “star” dermatologist (with all her expensive treatments) No joke, in 1 year I was fitness and beautiful. You wouldn’t believe. When Covid hit I got fat again but now I know, nobody is really ugly, you are only poor. If you have money you can be whoever you want in the time frame that you want
Comment on Why do people hate TV shows like The Biggest Loser and My 600-lb Life? 11 months ago
TBL is a show that proves if you have a nutritionist, personal trainer, and heavily restricted diet you can lose a lot of weight really quickly. It’s still somewhat dangerous to do that, and almost guaranteed to not lead to long term success. People almost killing themselves to massive applause and congratulations isn’t actually a good thing. 11 months ago 11 months ago
I, honestly can’t see how that is in any way the fault of your financial situation. 11 months ago
had a very good financial situation before COVID, so I hired a personal trainer, went to the most tech gym, went to the same nutritionist as the bodybuilding team , and the “star” dermatologist (with all her expensive treatments)
Where do you live where all that is free? 11 months ago
I am just saying that it’s not necessarily a problem with just money.
Not to be mean but there is some blame that could be attributed to the individual too for not doing their part. I kinda* understand that it’s hard to lose weight, but if one has lost it already and goes up again, I would argue that the weight gain is even more of their responsibility and not capitalism or whatever.
*I’m personally pretty thin with a BMI between 18 and 19, so I don’t really get why people just don’t eat less. But I am well aware that it’s not that simple for some.
I have more trouble with eating more, which seems like it should be harder than eating less. Because eating less doesn’t require any effort. 11 months ago
Even with that supervision, the show encourages unhealthy practices like dehydration to meet a weight goal 11 months ago
True. They essentially lived on water and vitamins while on the show.