Comment on "I wish you well in your future endeavors" 11 months agoSo if nobody brought this up, why did you write that edit and bring up these statistics?
I didn’t say that, nor did I insinuate it.
You did though.
this is just rates of violence, of any kind. It says nothing at all about the consequences of that violence. I’ll bet if you looked into that it’s worse for women too. If you’re wondering why so many categories don’t have rates of violence against men, it’s because they have a “high relative standard error”, which is statistics speak for “the rate is so low we can’t properly measure it”.
And you also pull the claim of “women get harsher sentences when they commit DA” out of your arse too. 11 months ago
So you admit that you read “the consequences of that violence” and your mind immediately went to the legal consequences for the perpetrator, instead of thinking about the physical harm done to the victim.
That says basically everything about the butthurt responses in this thread. 11 months ago
So you admit to pulling the claim that men are less affected by abuse then women completely out of your arse based on nothing but your own sexist ideas? 11 months ago
Women are far more likely to be killed by men than vice versa, which is the obvious point I was making. I didn’t want to go find the information because frankly it’s pretty obvious that a man beating up a woman will usually do a lot more damage than a woman beating up a man. That’s why I framed it as a “guess”, so you’re not catching me out on anything here.
Should I go ahead and assume that you dodged my question about the thing you clearly admitted because you don’t want to admit it again, because it’s actually really revealing about the kind of person you are, and you don’t want that revealed because deep down you know exactly what kind of person you are? 11 months ago
I didn’t realise you were asking a question. Yes I did interpret it that way, as I believe “consequences” has more association with facing the consequences of your own actions than the physical affects of abuse. So I don’t think this is some big gotcha moment like you’re claiming.
And men are more likely to take their own life due to suffering abuse, does that not count as a “consequence”
And here we go with the redditor mentality of trying imply you can physcho-analyse me to be some horrible person because I dared to disagree with you on the internet. I have been polite with you from the start and all you’ve done is act like a child that cares more about “winning” an argument than anything else.
But yes I do know what kind of person I am, someone that’s survived DA and has has to fight people like you constantly who want to dismiss it because “☝️🤓 well Women are more often victims of abuse than men” which is exactly the argument you started with and have been simultaneously defending and denying you’re even making this whole time.