There’s a Craig Ferguson interview, where he says one of the secrets of some(!!!) of the most attractive Hollywood actors, is that in real-life they look like bug people. You know, weird looking, big eyes, huge head, tiny body. Looks great on camera and in 2d, not so much in the flesh. Probably also why IRC some Hollywood insiders call actors lollipop people. Stick with a big head on it.
Comment on Modern beauty standards 11 months ago
This was actually the inspiration for some art I got, the initial idea being that the person wished for an ideal girlfriend and ended up with an insect lady. 11 months ago 11 months ago
The fallacy your under is that this things are ‘big’ or ‘small’ which implies they’re not actually ideal. That leads to hyperbole like this where the proportions are too extreme. 11 months ago
Tell me about it. There’s a meme among artists where they ask for proportions to be bigger and bigger until the thing in question takes up the entire page. You’re like “Are you sure this is what you want” and they’re like “Hmm you think you can make it juust a little bigger?” 11 months ago
::: spoiler In case you were curious what it looked like, here is the concept art I drew bug person concept art
And the completed version can be found at:…/1680868917038776320?s=2…