Comment on FINAL FANTASY VII REBIRTH - Destined for Rebirth 1 year ago
I have a dumb question:
So, the naming convention is confusing here, is this just the next installment of the Remake?
Comment on FINAL FANTASY VII REBIRTH - Destined for Rebirth 1 year ago
I have a dumb question:
So, the naming convention is confusing here, is this just the next installment of the Remake? 1 year ago
Not dumb at all. The naming convention is whack.
This is indeed the next instalment of the remake, the sequel to Final Fantasy VII: Remake + Intergrade (the Yuffie DLC) 1 year ago
How vital is it to play the Yuffie DLC? I avoided it because it came just long enough after the main game that I didn’t fancy re-learning how to play for a short DLC.
Admittedly, as may be apparent, I didn’t look too much into it. 1 year ago
It’s probably not too vital. It sets up some new backstory for Yuffie (and also ties into some elements of Dirge of Cerberus of all things), but I am assuming Rebirth will sum up the important parts of Yuffie’s story so far, at least in broad strokes, for when she joins the party. 1 year ago
Without spoiling anything, Intermission (Yuffie’s DLC) takes place in the middle of the Remake storyline and basically follows what she’s up to before presumably joining the party in Rebirth.
I like Yuffie as a character, so I enjoyed playing the DLC. But you could probably find a Twitch stream or no commentary Youtube playthrough to catch up on the story if you don’t want to play it and not miss out. 1 year ago
Three Conway in the dlc is much more refined and felt like a sign of what’s to come in rebirth. It’s very fun mechanic wise, it actually makes the main game harder to play haha 1 year ago
Ok great! I didn’t finish the first installment on PS4, so I can wait for this new release and play through the first part and second part + DLC all in one game. Sounds good to me! 1 year ago
The order is actually First Part > DLC > Second part, but yes! And if you fancy getting the full experience they also re-released Crisis Core FF7 (the prequel with Zack and Sephiroth) on PS5 as well well.
SqEnix isn’t milking this at all 🤡 1 year ago
It makes sense, especially with the direction Remake started to go. And the original Crisis Core was getting to be very dated by now, so a refresh was welcome 1 year ago
I don’t understand why some companies just can’t figure out a consistent naming schedule for sequels. I’m looking at you Capcom and Street Fight Ultra Turbo Alpha Second Strike Tournament Edition with a Cherry On Top 1 year ago
Since you seem to know what’s going on, is FF7 Rebirth a full package? Ie does it include Part 1, the DLC, and the new Part 2 all in one game, or would someone have to purchase those separately? 1 year ago
It is just part 2. Will there be a bundle of both at some point? Maybe. But it’s set to be a trilogy, each installment a separate release. 1 year ago
Ah I see, thanks!