The thing that always bothers me about people saying consoles are a good deal as the hardware is cheap compared to a PC is just that it gets more expensive really quickly with software. Particularly if you get a digital only console it only takes a few games until you’re at the price of a PC. I just can’t justify buying a locked down system anymore.
Comment on This console generation seems skippable 9 months ago
PS5 is nice if you can’t afford a PC capable of 4K or Ray Tracing for the games that are on every system ($500 for a machine capable of high fidelity gaming is a good value; couldn’t build a PC for that price with the same capabilities atm).
It might be more worthwhile if the exclusives for it weren’t able to be counted on 1 hand. There’s very little to warrant buying a whole system if you’re only interested in the exclusives. 9 months ago 9 months ago
The Ray Tracing argument and 4K are both shit arguments. On the PS5 most games are not 4K native, those that are, are locked to 30 which is an horrible experience. Ray Tracing is the same thing, and not only is PC Ray Tracing much more advanced and better looking, but it also locks you to 30 fps modes on PS5. I doubt the PS5 Pro will change that. If you forget the 30 fps sad modes that have 4k/ray tracing, suddently you can actually build a PC yourself that plays the same games for $600-800 (bit more than a PS5 but ITS A FULL PC, does everything, not games only) that for that price can play 1080-1440p games with ease at 60 fps with graphical fidelity similar to the PS5 if not better since you can better fine tune the graphical settings of all games. Ray Tracing will kill it, just like it kills the PS5.
In my style of life (PC-first) I myself consider a console to be one of those extra expenses that you have only if you have free money to spare. Having games on your couch and big TV is amazing, but if you need a PC anyway for daily life, might aswell waste a bit more and get a great PC for gaming too. If it’s a powerful laptop, it can also be your living room “console” just by plugging some cables anytime. Having a console after having a good PC feels like luxury to me, and very optional.
However if your PC is absolute trash but you see no reason at all to buy a new one, because your life style rarely needs to use it, and you absolutely cannot be bothered with Windows configuration and all its BS, then a console is 100% justified. Consoles are great for people who just don’t care and just want to play a game a few times per month. 9 months ago
I guess some people want a pc and a console like me and some people just want a big gaming pc. Both ideas are fine and no one should be looking badly at the other.
We’ve made our calculations and for me a « shitty PC » and an easy to setup gaming system like the ps5 is what I need.
But it’s perfectly fine for me if someone wants to go the other way. I’m not gonna say they are dumb and their way is shitty because it’s not mine…