Not really, there’s plenty of things you can spend your money on if you have goals and hobbies.
Comment on Anon is out of ideas 1 year ago
Unironically anon has cracked the big secret of capitalism; the end goal doesn’t matter until someone is trying to steal it from you, and they will try because some people are sick in the head 1 year ago 1 year ago
Anon already did that, good hobbies don’t necessitate a constant flow of cash 1 year ago
That depends on the hobby, very many do. 1 year ago
the big secret is that money is not the end goal. money is merely a tool to let you do other things you want to do. it's not an end, just a means. 1 year ago
I was going to disagree based on culture, but my disagreement really just boils down to that being a way bigger secret. So i guess you right.