- Comment on Dr 4Chan's Medical Advice 10 months ago:
i mean, as part of my job, i routinely take area hospitals medical grade leeches. it's not like they ever stopped being used by doctors.
- Comment on Reddit moment 11 months ago:
everyone knows, there's a certain amount of fucking around you get for free. the real problem is that the finding out part can happen quick, and seem to come out of nowhere.
- Comment on How do people carry notebooks without bending it 1 year ago:
i'd look for a small folio type case. something durable, maybe leather-ish.
- Comment on Anon is out of ideas 1 year ago:
the big secret is that money is not the end goal. money is merely a tool to let you do other things you want to do. it's not an end, just a means.
- Comment on Anon likes bikes 1 year ago:
if an old person falls, they will likely be injured quite severely. it's also likely that they won't heal quickly or properly.
this is going to be compounded on an electric bike, due to the fact that they will be able to reach higher speeds than they would on a conventional bike.
much like cars, the addition of extra power will keep them riding long after they should've hung it up.
- Comment on Does anyone wish they could go back to the beginning of schooling and re-live their education/school experience from the start? 1 year ago:
when i was about 10 or so we moved to a new neighborhood. obviously that meant exploring the new area, and making new friends. the first people i met in that area lived down the road from me. two of my new friends were brothers, one a bit older than the other, both several years older than me. they had a neighbor, who was my age, and we attended 3rd grade together.
the older brother was a bit wiser and kinder, the younger brother could be a bit bullheaded at times. when i was about 15, i left to live with my dad. those 5 or so years seemed so incredibly formative on my upbringing, for good or bad. around that time the younger brother died in a car wreck, and i really hadn't spent much time with them since i moved away.
to this day, i remember something the older brother taught me, which was to try to learn something new everyday. you won't always succeed, but it's still important to try.
i'm 40. the amount of time i lived there was really only about 1/8th of my life. but i still try to learn something new everyday.
- Comment on life got you down? 1 year ago:
beer goes in, piss comes out. you can't explain that.
- Comment on poggers 1 year ago:
I never made it far enough in math to understand this.
- Comment on Why do all the new TVs expect me to have a platform AS WIDE as the fucking thing?? Fucking shit!! God awful absolutely dumb thoughtless design choice 1 year ago:
if you're making giant holes in your wall, you're mounting wrong.
most wall mounts are going to be two or three bolt holes into a stud. they should be about as big around as a sharpie. if you remove the mount, a small dab of spackle covers them.
- Comment on Why do all the new TVs expect me to have a platform AS WIDE as the fucking thing?? Fucking shit!! God awful absolutely dumb thoughtless design choice 1 year ago:
because the TV is that wide.
not sure what you expect them to do about it.