Comment on Anon plays poker ⁨8⁩ ⁨months⁩ ago

If you’re going to be a “professional” gambler. You need to be a PROFESSIONAL.

That means ledgers, records, receipts, keeping track of travel expenses, meals… its easy to lie to yourself about how you’re really doing.

Also a lot of professional gamblers lose a grip on what a dollar is worth, because this week they are $60,000 up and just bought themselves a brand new car, and in 2 months they havent hit a decent win in weeks and are selling the car to make their rent.

Also, you cant put it on your resume. About the only place that might care if you’re a professional or semi professional gambler is a casino if you’re looking for a job. In that case the ledgers might be able to prove that you know your ass from a hole in the ground when it comes to gambling. But beyond that you arent really building to a career. So either git gud or have a backup plan.

Good luck OP.
