Comment on It's finally over. 11 months ago
So you decided to kill one man to save the lives of several others in the future?
Comment on It's finally over. 11 months ago
So you decided to kill one man to save the lives of several others in the future? 11 months ago
The trolley problem is about innocent people. When one of those people is the reason the others are in danger because they are actively trying to kill them, the problem kind of goes away. Almost nobody says you should just let them continue murdering. 11 months ago
But what if the people he tied to the tracks were all murderers? 11 months ago
If you can tie someone to tracks then you have complete control over them. That’s not defensive violence against the murderers, it’s an elaborate execution. It’s not about whether their souls are clean or whatever, it’s about whether there’s an immediate need to kill them.
My position is that the death penalty is never justifiable. The point is that this person presents a danger and for whatever reason you can’t stop them with a less permanent method. 11 months ago
Well then who said the guy tying people to the tracks could not be just stopped and put to jail.
No need for any violence here, i doubt this guy is really dangerous, he’s just a crazy philosophy nerd.