Comment on Anon texts a friend

<- View Parent ⁨6⁩ ⁨months⁩ ago

Word. Well, weed dealers anyway.

But one of my nieces used to date a weed dealer. A lot of the family was sketched out, wouldn’t invite them to stuff, that kind of thing.

But dude was like the (probably fictional) bro in the greentext. Just a genuine, caring dude.

He was a mechanic as a legal job. Guy carried a kit in his truck, jumper cables, basic tools, air compressor, water jugs, that kind of thing. Plus snacks. If he ran across someone stranded, he’d do his best to get them back on the road.

More than once, he’d hear through the grapevine that my old car was having trouble, and just fucking show up. I’d hear noise in the driveway, look out, and he’s unloading gear to fix things.

Wouldn’t take a dime, other than parts if they were needed, and usually could get parts cheap. Kept that old junker on the road for about three years past when it should have died lol.

I’d keep him supplied with his beverage of choice while he was working, we’d shoot the shit. I don’t smoke weed, and he rarely did (can’t make a profit if you’re using), but he’d enjoy a beer or three. Once the work was done, he’d chill long enough to make sure the beer wasn’t enough to bring his blood alcohol to a bad level. Many an hour spent on the front stoop just enjoying an evening.

They ended up breaking up, but we still talk now and then. Great dude.
