Same. Nowadays I just use a catch-all email address. Companyname@domain.tld. Allows me to name, shame, and block the company that leaks my email address.
Same. Nowadays I just use a catch-all email address. Companyname@domain.tld. Allows me to name, shame, and block the company that leaks my email address. 1 year ago
I like to use the Gmail feature where you can add +randomstring to your email and it still gets to the regular email to sign up to random sites. But this way you can identify and block spam if that email get’s compromised. Technically this Google catch all feature also isn’t following the email standard but at least it’s useful. 1 year ago
Problem with that is that you can very easily strip off the + and any bit after it to get your “normal” email address. Then again, when they find out mine is a catch-all, they can spam me as well… I guess you never win. 1 year ago
Oh for sure. But my gmail address is pretty much a burner address for sites I don’t want to provide my regular one. So nothing big to loose there.