Stadia was successful. Everyone just hated on it for some reason. Didn’t get the playerbase so it was sold off. Was a fantastic service and I curse google daily
Comment on Netflix developing over 10 games in-house currently 1 year ago
Wait, what?! 😂 Okay, so is this gonna be a cloud based thing, because how stadia was so successfull? Or are these going to be downloaded apps? Or just stand alone choose your own adventure like black mirrors bandersnatch thing.
I'm genuinely so confused what this means or will eventually look like. 1 year ago 1 year ago
didn’t get the playerbase
So it wasn’t successful 1 year ago
Wasn’t successful in playerbase no. Was in terms of a cloud gaming system. It worked. All I neeee it to do. Didn’t hit googles lofty ideals though. 1 year ago
It’s fine if it actually worked perfectly for you, but “just working” isn’t exactly a measure of success.
They still needed the playerbase to actually use it, and devs to actually make games for it. Which they got very little of both. So it wasn’t successful. 1 year ago
It didn’t have a way to function in the event of system failure.
Steam sometimes goes down. When that happens, people can often still play their singleplayer games. If Steam had totally failed business-wise, it either would have been sold to another publisher who would maintain access, or the games would’ve been unlocked for permanent offline play.
Take a look at Stadia’s failure resolution strategy; they had to fully refund every person who bought a game there, because all purchases became completely unusable. Imagine if they’d gone a decade selling games to people and building off of their revenue, before encountering failure. 1 year ago
They have games for Android already and you actually download the games; you don’t stream them. Notice that this article doesn’t specify whether these 10 games are for mobile or PC, though… 1 year ago
Orly?! I had no idea! And also... no interest in actually looking into those games or buying Netflix again.
Thanks for the clarification! ♥ 💕 1 year ago
Some of them are just good games where Netflix is publishing them on mobile. I got both Bloons TD6 and Into The Breach through Netflix.