Comment on Here's your mirror kings 1 year ago“Let’s send volunteer soldiers to kill terrorists in close quarters combat so that we minimize civilian casualties.”
“DoN’t yOU mEaN ‘LeT’s KIlL AlL tHE chIlDReN?’”
Fuck off you disingenuous douchebag lmfao 1 year ago
nah, I would go more along the lines of abolish the apartheid system in Israel, stop specifically targeting civilians, stop committing pogroms in the west bank, and stop supporting Hamas because you don’t want the PA to be able to actually argue for a two-state solution, etc…
the list is long, and surprisingly most of these options don’t involve attacking Gaza in some form of retribution, nor do they involve the ethnic cleansing/genocide (and yes, what Israel is doing is a genocide by the UN definition we came up with based on the Turkish genocide of Armenians) 1 year ago
Wow that other guy was so awful. Sorry you had to read that. Not all of us are like that. 1 year ago
You mean these kinds of UN definitions? The kind that the current conflict doesn’t even come close to meeting? The kind of definitions that nearly all of Israel’s neighbors have fallen into against them over the past few decades? Those kinds of generations right? That’s the kind your smooth tankie brain is thinking about right? Those? The definitions that every war against Israel can be categorized under? Sure thing buddy.
You mean keeping the land with strategic importance since Israel’s neighbors have tried to invade a commit genocide through it multiple times? The area that Hezbollah and other groups used to shell Israeli civilians? That part of West Bank?
You are aware that Israel even proposed a two-state solution where they’d give an equal exchange of land while they maintained the strategically important parts in the West Bank? But you know who rejected that, right?
You’re trash. Every moment of self improvement and education you’ve had is completely wasted. You couldn’t argue anything for shit. That’s why you’re sitting here online as a fucking anonymous loser.