- Comment on What happens if flat Earthers go to space? 1 year ago:
If they believe, then they become “mind controlled”, “double agents”, “traitors”, etc to other flat earthers.
- Comment on Here's your mirror kings 1 year ago:
I mean, it’s not like the majority of Gazans have supported Hamas or elected them to office. Are you saying it’s unfair to hold people accountable for the government they elect? Are you saying that every German who wasn’t named Adolf Hitler, Heinrich Himmler, etc was innocent?
most people critical of Israel are also anti Hamas and we agree that they are terrorists
Really? Are you? Maybe you personally are that way, but the vast majority of tankies and other crazies on here certainly aren’t. There’s no strawman to be had here. The majority of Palestinians support Hamas. It’s a fucking statistic.
- Comment on Here's your mirror kings 1 year ago:
You mean these kinds of UN definitions? The kind that the current conflict doesn’t even come close to meeting? The kind of definitions that nearly all of Israel’s neighbors have fallen into against them over the past few decades? Those kinds of generations right? That’s the kind your smooth tankie brain is thinking about right? Those? The definitions that every war against Israel can be categorized under? Sure thing buddy.
edit; blahblahblahblahcompletleygrosslyhistoricallyignorantblahblahblahblah
You mean keeping the land with strategic importance since Israel’s neighbors have tried to invade a commit genocide through it multiple times? The area that Hezbollah and other groups used to shell Israeli civilians? That part of West Bank?
You are aware that Israel even proposed a two-state solution where they’d give an equal exchange of land while they maintained the strategically important parts in the West Bank? But you know who rejected that, right?
You’re trash. Every moment of self improvement and education you’ve had is completely wasted. You couldn’t argue anything for shit. That’s why you’re sitting here online as a fucking anonymous loser.
- Comment on Here's your mirror kings 1 year ago:
There’s a reason why I call most leftists I interact with on here anti-Semites. They cannot stand it when you call out anyone who’s not Israel that’s done worse.
- Comment on Here's your mirror kings 1 year ago:
You’re right, we can condemn them both in the same breath. Which I’ve done myself. But the vast majority of the “pro-Palestinian” crowd on here seems completely incapable of doing so. In fact, if you call them out on it, they just double down on “Israel is a monster!” and excusing atrocities committed by Muslims. 🤷
- Comment on Here's your mirror kings 1 year ago:
Just FYI, your complete fucking ignorance is showing.
Or are you saying it’s okay for Israel to launch “surgical strikes” against hospitals, schools, and camps with a Hamas presence? I would have thought you’d be against that.
- Comment on Here's your mirror kings 1 year ago:
“Let’s send volunteer soldiers to kill terrorists in close quarters combat so that we minimize civilian casualties.”
“DoN’t yOU mEaN ‘LeT’s KIlL AlL tHE chIlDReN?’”
Fuck off you disingenuous douchebag lmfao
- Comment on Here's your mirror kings 1 year ago:
but you’re fucking nuts if you want anyone with a soul to support sending the marines
Then what, oh brilliant mind on the internet, is your solution for enforcing a two-state solution since Palestine has rejected every plan?
- Comment on Here's your mirror kings 1 year ago:
Then surely they condemn Hamas, support their removal from the face of this planet, and call on their elected representatives to put boots on the ground in Gaza to do so with minimal loss of innocent life? Surely they do those things. Surely you do those things, right?
- Comment on An Introduction To Class Warfare For The Software Engineer 1 year ago:
You might have a point there. If it weren’t for the record profits. There will never be a shortage of overhyped, cash grab startups, companies, and projects. “We’re the AI of X!”
But companies like Netflix, Google, etc would not be where they are today if there wasn’t some real value they provided. They may not have the wisest leadership and so aren’t making a profit, but that’s the point. None of the issues at Netflix are due to engineers. None of the issues at Google are due to engineers. So why then is there a globally concerted effort to drive down the labor cost of engineering? If this were a true market correction in a free market, why isn’t pointless middle management and failed leadership being replaced or cut?
As a software engineer with more than a decade of experience, I have been at companies where I only got 2-3 commits approved in a month. But that was due to the refusal of middle management to do anything except coast. The vast majority of the problem is “leadership”, not engineering.
Ask yourself this. Why are you so upset about this that you go on a rant that’s targeted at the engineer “making 100k while committing code like twice a day”? With where inflation is at, that’s actually a really low salary if they’re able to make two good commits a day. If I could hire someone who makes two good commits in a day that’s closer to being worth $150K, at the very least.
- A software engineer who builds companies