Comment on "True Satanism" Is at Least Agnostic or Might Be Against Abortion

<- View Parent ⁨1⁩ ⁨year⁩ ago

In an off chance you haven't heard of him, you might be interested in Stefan Molyneux

The problem with all morality outside of God is that it will always be beneficial to be just a hair less honest than your competitors. In a naturalistic battle for women and resources, that is all that matters. Overtime then society becomes a race to the bottom as everyone tries to find the optimal level of dishonesty.

If all you have is matter and no spirit, it is impossible to transcend matter because there is no where to go. In a world where life, death, reproduction are all that matter there is no room for honesty.

IMHO, that is the reason secular ethics fall apart. They cannot have absolute divine justice.
