Comment on "True Satanism" Is at Least Agnostic or Might Be Against Abortion

<- View Parent ⁨1⁩ ⁨year⁩ ago

I'm a hard atheist (not really a choice, I just don't believe), but if you wipe the slate clean you're going to be stuck with an insurmountable problem: famously you can't get an ought from an is. All the facts in the world won't tell you what first principles of an ethic are.

I had a major existential crisis for a while because an atheistic viewpoint can be nihilistic -- why do we live a good life? Why bother? What does the universe think we should do?

Eventually I recognised there is an innate moral sense I got somehow, but it wasn't until recently that I realized that the innate moral sense comes in part from our culture, which includes religion.

One of the first things I bought for my son was a beautiful leather bound bible and I recently bought him an illustrated children's bible, and I intend to involve our family with the church as he grows up. This is an important part of our culture, and a lot of our fundamental ethical principles are derived from that.
