I think this message should be memed, since "The Satanic Temple" seems to be a top pro-abortion advocate

"Satanism" is kind of vague, one definition being that it is "do whatever you want". So, under this definition, it would be reasonable to be anti-abortion, or for abortion. So at least the waters can be muddied here that there's no one stance by Satanists on abortion by this definition of "do what thou will".

Under another variant, they have seven tenets of Satanism.

#1 is: "One should strive to act with compassion and empathy towards all creatures in accordance with reason"

You could easily argue this means abortion violates this tenet, so to be a "true Satanist" would be to oppose abortion as it violates this tenet.

Another, #3 is: "One's body is inviolable, subject to one's own will alone"

This could also be easily construed as being anti-abortion inherently, as abortion violates the integrity of the unborn's body and imposes one's will on another.

I guess it should also be noted that, denying that the unborn have bodies, or arguing that abortion is compassionate "in accordance with reason", might lead to a pro-abortion stance.

Frequently from various posts responding with outrage to the overturning of Roe v. Wade, it seems like the other side has trouble acknowledging this difference of opinion that exists (they seem unable to literally be able to see the perspective of the opposing side, that abortion takes an innocent separate life).

Hence "true Satanism" is either indifferent towards abortion, or against it; an argument could be made that "true Satanism" is "conservatarian" on the issue of abortion.