Comment on Watching ads while grandma is choking on a fish bone

<- View Parent ⁨8⁩ ⁨months⁩ ago

Of course not. Cyberpunk and tech noir usually isn't just about the future, it's arguably about now. More generally, science fiction is often used as a 'safe' way to criticise existing society or say what can't otherwise be said.

Prime example: Tarkovski's science fiction films (Stalker, Solaris, ...), which smuggled very religious themes past the soviet censor, because 'it's only science fiction'.

Make a movie glorifying terrorism? Likely jail sentence and on a list. Make a movie glorifying a terrorist that blows up parliament in a dystopian future? Cult classic.

Make a tv episode where one of the main cast has a sexual relationship with a trans character, who is later forced to undergo gender reaffirming therapy in 1992? Impossible. Make it about Riker having a relationship with an alien who's not androgynous because her race finds gender weird? Prime time tv.

Make a tv programme about the guilt of a Nazi who worked in a camp while the Jews were being exterminated? No way that's happening. Make a tv programme about the guilt of a space alien who worked in a camp while other space aliens were being exterminated? That particular Star Trek episode was broadcast in prime time, to wide acclaim.

For this reason, and on a related note, anyone who complains about a science fiction show or movie being 'too political' is more often than not a moron and/or someone who's never watched or read scifi content but is pretending to be a fan.
