Comment on unleash your humanities 4 days agoDo you want anyone other than priests advising government officials on ethics? Then you want philosophy majors.
Comment on unleash your humanities 4 days agoDo you want anyone other than priests advising government officials on ethics? Then you want philosophy majors. 4 days ago
Why would a philosophy major would have better ethics than my, for instance?
Ethics are greatly influenced by so many aspects different to whatever career someone chose to study.
And we could cut the middleman just voting and electing people with the same ethical values as me. It would be a piss off democracy if I chose a representantive who campaigned for painting all buses blue because I share that view just for some unelected person coming to say “no that’s not ethical you shall not do that”.
Ethics of a society emerge from the society, not for a few individuals. 4 days ago
Philosophy is the science of thinking.
You are already doing it on an amateur level. Imagine what a professional would be capable of. 4 days ago
I only consider science those fields that can describe nature and assert this depiction of nature vie repeatable experiments. Thus I don’t agree on philosophy being a science.
I algo don’t agree that a professional would have better morals than me. Due the personal nature of what morality is.
Imagine I say my morals are the best, how is any professional philosopher to prove me wrong? It’s not possible. But if I say that “climate change is not real” a lot of climate scientist could show me evidence and offer me a set of experiments to undoubtedly prove me wrong. 4 days ago
What we now call science developed directly out of philosophy. 4 days ago
Applied ethics is not ‘what feels like it would be the most correct thing to do?’, it’s writing professional codes of conduct, establishing criteria for who should be allowed to get an organ transplant, who should be considered for parole, what scientific experiments should be allowed to happen, if I listed everything affected by the study of ethics I’d be here all day.
I don’t want a random schmuck who’s never thought about any of this for more than 5 minutes writing any of that, and I sure as shit don’t want people voting on it. That’s how you end up with abortion bans. 4 days ago
I’m pretty sure a lot of professional philosophers would agree on abortion bans, while a schmuck like myself agree on “mothers choice”… So… 4 days ago
You’re pretty sure based on what? Even self-proclaimed pro-life philosophers admit their position is rare. Ethics itself easily argues in favor of abortion but not against it, which is one reason it’s available in virtually every secular state.
You are starting from your conclusion (philosophy isn’t worth funding) and working backwards to make that fit any new evidence presented to you.