Comment on #EverythingHappensForAReason 2 days ago
I don’t get it either. Is OP saying that christians can’t show their bare ass online? Because I don’t support that.
On Instagram, there seems to be a pattern where a lot of people with links to OnlyFans, etc. in their bio would also have Bible verses in the same bio. I guess OP is pointing out the irony of such a thing?
idk how to feel about that.
That seems like ragebait to me.
Isn’t it a little weird that people think it’s ironic? Jesus hung out with prostitutes.
I don’t hang out with people in general, how am I expected to find a prostutute?
Are there some specific Christian asses you are particularly hoping to see?
Francis better get them cheeks out 2 days ago
I don’t get it either. Is OP saying that christians can’t show their bare ass online? Because I don’t support that. 2 days ago
On Instagram, there seems to be a pattern where a lot of people with links to OnlyFans, etc. in their bio would also have Bible verses in the same bio. I guess OP is pointing out the irony of such a thing?
idk how to feel about that. 1 day ago
That seems like ragebait to me. 1 day ago
Isn’t it a little weird that people think it’s ironic? Jesus hung out with prostitutes. 1 day ago
I don’t hang out with people in general, how am I expected to find a prostutute? 1 day ago
Are there some specific Christian asses you are particularly hoping to see? 1 day ago
Francis better get them cheeks out