Aren’t blue and red mixed?
Comment on AI will replace us all... trust me 1 day ago
Using Apple Intelligence Playground:
Red ball balancing on white ball with a blue ball on top
Sure, this wasn’t the first image, but it actually got it correct in the 5th image or so. 1 day ago 22 hours ago
“Red ball balancing on (a white ball with a blue ball on top)” is how it could be interpreted. It’s ambiguous with the positioning since it doesn’t say what the blue ball is on top of. 1 day ago
The term is bi-pigmented 1 day ago
Depends on how you parse the prompt. The red ball is on top of (the white ball with a blue ball on top). 1 day ago
Most people would see it that way, yes.
You can see the AI’s process though. It split the query into two parts: [a red ball balancing on] a [white ball with a blue ball on top]. So it threw a blue ball onto a white ball, then balanced a red on top. I’m guessing sentence formatting would help. 1 day ago
Ohh yeah, I see it now 9 hours ago
Looks like an Amiga raytracing demo, which is kind of neat.