Could we maybe apply some kind of due process to this situation before proceeding with anymore conclusions? This whole thing, which has chased me around everywhere even though I go into length (including in previous interactions in this chain_ about the many proofs that it should be all a bunch of dead horse issues, has already caused stir among the mods.
I currently have an instance controller who finally expressed enough interest to say “hey, can we talk this out somewhere”, which scarcely anyone up to this point has been willing to do at this point, instead seeing one side of the story and being incited into a frenzy over just that. If anything illustrates why I respect authorities and their decisions in matters like this (in contrast to the populace), this is why (and I suspect they are how I got demoted a second time, until this all gets settled I am guessing). 3 days ago
Could we maybe apply some kind of due process to this situation before proceeding with anymore conclusions? This whole thing, which has chased me around everywhere even though I go into length (including in previous interactions in this chain_ about the many proofs that it should be all a bunch of dead horse issues, has already caused stir among the mods.
I currently have an instance controller who finally expressed enough interest to say “hey, can we talk this out somewhere”, which scarcely anyone up to this point has been willing to do at this point, instead seeing one side of the story and being incited into a frenzy over just that. If anything illustrates why I respect authorities and their decisions in matters like this (in contrast to the populace), this is why (and I suspect they are how I got demoted a second time, until this all gets settled I am guessing).