Comment on Anti-acknowlegements 2 days agoAre you a woman? I’ve never met a woman who hasn’t had some experience with this. Sexism is everywhere, andnif you haven’t really experienced it, that’s bcz you’re a guy.
Comment on Anti-acknowlegements 2 days agoAre you a woman? I’ve never met a woman who hasn’t had some experience with this. Sexism is everywhere, andnif you haven’t really experienced it, that’s bcz you’re a guy. 2 days ago
Don’t know what the other comment was, but everyone has experienced sexism. It’s inevitable that inaccurate gender stereotypes will be applied to you at some time. For men it’s just the “stop emoting you fucking pussy” or “you suck at nurturing so don’t even try.”
The patriarchy fucks us all. 2 days ago
While I agree, men face sexism too, in a different way. It feels like minimizing their experiences, to have someone come in here and say, well, actually, men face sexism as well.
I am a guy, for the record. I just finally started listening to the women in my life who have been telling me for years that they face this stuff. 2 days ago
I don’t think it’s minimizing to acknowledge that sexism endemic and cuts both ways. 1 day ago
You don’t have to think its minimizing. I’m trying to tell you nicely that it is. 1 day ago
True, the patriarchy harms everyone. Sexism against women harms them (even kills) from interactions with men, negatively affects education, career, even hobbies. Leads to medical bias which also may kill them. Leads to them being trafficked and used as sex slaves. Experience female genital mutilation.
Andrew Tate is a hugely popular figure amongst young men. Those men are being harmed by the patriarchy but don’t realise or maybe care as they’re too busy harming women. It’s not the same for men, they’re massively privileged compared with women. 1 day ago
The patriarchy is also what sends men to die for imperialism, tells them they can’t ask for help, admit weakness, or be vulnerable. It’s why the ratio of suicides is 6:1 men to women in the US and men are something like 4 times more likely to die deaths of despair, take jobs that destroy their body, or get rejected from jobs that deal with caring or teaching because of biased assumptions of pedophilia and sexual abuse.
Yes, some (read: cis, hetero, white, Christian) men are privileged by the system, and we should absolutely not discount women’s experiences, but it’s not one or the other, it’sboth. 1 day ago
Oh, have you been sent to die? War duties are irrelevant for most men. The last conscription in my country was WW2 and women died then too, as nurses near the front, in the blitz, as spies, etc. All genders join the military now.
Meanwhile I think the conviction rate now, in 2025 for rape of women by men is 1%. That means you won’t get justice if you’re a woman reporting a serious crime. Women in america are dying because they can’t get healthcare for their miscarriage and pre-teen girls forced to carry their rapists baby. On shitter dickheads openly gloat ‘your body, my choice’ with no censorship, because abuse of women isn’t censored. Andrew Tate. Not really the same situation for men and women, is it? Women aren’t causing men to commit suicide but men are still controlling, belittling, abusing and killing women.
If you’re actually against the patriarchy you have to realise that it fucks women over way more and always has. We’re only seeing a backslide right now, and I suppose women in the west are lucky they aren’t in a country they would be stoned to death, or not be allowed to be overheard talking, seen inside their own home, etc.