This is a boomer ass take
Comment on I will not elaborate 2 days ago
Silent Gen raised Gen X which raised Gen Z. Seems simple enough to me.
Also, millennials are just Boomers replayed. Hippies are almost a mirror image of millennials. I totally can’t wait (sarcastic) for them to turn into yuppies (they already have) and become overtly materialistic to the point of robbing their own childrens’ futures to keep up with the rising cost of avocados. 2 days ago 1 day ago
Late Gen X. I’m an outside watching boomers and millennials duke it out like a drunken bar fight. 2 days ago
kinda funny tho 23 hours ago
You’re confusing gen-x and millinials 17 hours ago
I got a silent Gen dad, and a boomer mom, and I am a younger Gen x. No, I’m definitely not. Most of Gen X had silent Gen parents. Most millennials had boomer parents. Obviously there is some bleed over. 2 days ago
Toad, I would love to have all the advantages boomers had and I would gladly agree with you and chuckle and call myself a hypocrite BUT I CAN’T EVEN BUY A FUCKING HOUSE IN THIS ECONOMY. 1 day ago
I can’t argue with that. But as a late Gen X, I graduated highschool at the time when my age was the wealthiest generation in human history. The politics that led us here is not just Boomers fault. Millennials, Gen X, and even the Silent Gen have blame here too. We were all too happy to see Clinton continue Reagan’s pandering and then felt shoehorned into most of this by the 911 attacks. The economy collapsed and then Bush’s policies totally saved us… for a few years. Then the recession hit and the Bush era legal changed wrecked our ability to regulate our government officials leaving us vulnerable to corporate slavery. 1 day ago
Not a single millennial was old enough to vote for Clinton. Barely any were old enough to vote for Bush, even during his second term.
Do not lump millennials in with that mess. We didn’t make it, we were just forced to grow up with it. 17 hours ago
I think that went right over your head. No one is blaming millennials here. That’s just the string of events that led us here. I didn’t say anywhere that millennials did any of that. Seriously you guys are just as easy to trigger as boomers.