Most the article makes no sense, but the Mac stuff is really weird. This 18 year old YouTube video is still accurate about the Mac part.
Comment on Steam is a ticking time bomb. 3 days ago
The piece about Mac makes no sense. That’s purely a result of Apple’s decision to drop support. In general, if you are interested in older games, MacOS is not a viable platform. 3 days ago 3 days ago
It’s actually the opposite. If you want to play emulators or old (as in 2015) PC games via Wine/VM, MacOS has got you covered. It’s newer games that give you problems because they don’t get ports and you can’t play them with compatibility applications yet. 3 days ago
Can you provide one real world example? An older Windows game that works better on Mac than on Windows?
I will also add that 2015 is a random number. Win10 easily handles anything after 2005 or so. It’s the pre 2005 games that often require some deal of research. 3 days ago
I’ve heard of some edge cases where Wine is now a better option than native windows for really weirdly built 2000s era games. But overall most won’t run better since they have to run in a compatibility layer. The point is they do run and my computer isn’t just for gaming. Using windows is annoying af for the other 8 hours I’d spend working and losing some FPS in highend games is worth it. 1 day ago
Macs also lack GPUs suitable for gaming. The modern ones are remarkably efficient, partly because they didn’t jam a 4060’s worth of graphic silicon into them. Why would they? Macs are for web browsing, media creation, productivity if you’re in the C-suite and making other people think you’re cool if you’re in a coffee shop. Their users do not expect to run AAA games at 4k60fps.