Sadly yes.
It’s actually worse than assassination for dissidents inside the country, it’s flat out public beheading.
But how common is it unless you’re a major regime critic?
Still common. Happened to someone i am vaguely related to, they tweeted to their [less than 10 followers] just criticism of the monarchy, and “disappeared”. Nobody ever saw them again. Later i saw a news article, of someone being executed and fitting their exact description. Fuck my life.
All they need is your real name and your comments, and it’s over. 2 days ago
Another Arab here! The Saudi wahabi regime is the worst thing to happen to the middle east. Almost all events happening here always ends up going back to western interference, even the rise of the wahabis leading to the creation of Saudi Arabia. 2 days ago
Absolutely. The british and french are absolutely to blame. They destroyed the entire middle east, and made us all suffer for their own convenience. Also, the Sykes-picot agreement.
(now there are four other arabs than me that i know on lemmy :DDD) 2 days ago
You’d better not be sending me down a labyrinthian rabbit-hole. I’m sure just one article about the Sykes-Picot Agreement can’t hurt… 2 days ago
People have gotten bored of me in the past for how frequently I bring up Sykes-Picot.
Everyone says “We get it! It happened! Get over it!” But it’s hard to get over it when it’s still being felt to this day