That looks like a good hat! I’d be happy with that.
Comment on Thinkpad for the win 2 days agoNote it probably hasn’t had constant use cause I only got it a couple months ago, before that it was at a surplus store in Idaho falls. Now it is in SoCal, before Idaho though it could’ve been in a crate for all I know. 2 days ago 2 days ago
It’s solid and has been my main hat since I got it, helps cover my ears a bit too so they don’t get burned. The sun is a deadly laser 1 day ago
That’s a Fältmössa m/59, truly one of the great ones, I still have mine too. 1 day ago
Thanks for giving me a model name, I don’t speak Swedish so researching it has been somewhat annoying at times. Also I can’t read anything on the label either and translate has been stupid about it. 1 hour ago
So I googled the name and first thing that came up was Albert Kempf Mützenfabrik, which means hat factory in German. I don’t think herr Albert personally wore this.