Is it possible to show the hat? I kinda wanna see that hat and how it looks after such a long period of use.
Comment on Thinkpad for the win 3 days agoYou can definitely get plenty of Mil spec shit, just not what you really expect. My hat is a Swedish army cap worn by some dude named Alber Kempf in Tunisia circa 1991. 3 days ago 3 days ago 21 hours ago
So I googled the name and first thing that came up was Albert Kempf Mützenfabrik, which means hat factory in German. I don’t think herr Albert personally wore this. 13 hours ago
In my defense it may as well all be in the Runic alphabet, can I technically read it sure but can I understand it properly fuck no. 3 days ago
That looks like a good hat! I’d be happy with that. 3 days ago
It’s solid and has been my main hat since I got it, helps cover my ears a bit too so they don’t get burned. The sun is a deadly laser 3 days ago
Fair enough, I was thinking more in the direction of electronics, mechanics, etc 3 days ago
I also have a 1960s wire field phone that they would use in Vietnam. I am still trying to figure out how to get it working with an Aux jack.