Comment on Solar noon is the only real noon 3 days ago
Here’s an idea:
Let’s make all clocks where no matter what time of the year it is, 6am is always when the sun rises, noon is when the sun is exactly overhead, and 6pm is always when the sun sets.
Sure, the length of an ‘hour’ would be constantly changing, yeah that wouldn’t get super confusing real quick… /s 3 days ago 3 days ago
There really is an xkcd for everything. 3 days ago
Cries in programmer while looking at northern Sweden 3 days ago
That’s more or less how it worked in premodern times. You didn’t start at midnight but devided the day into 12 hours, starting with the first hour at sun rise and the 12th at sun set. For (ancient) Rome, their hours were like 45min to 1:15h which isn’t too much a difference when you think about it. Also it isn’t a bad idea to work less hours in winter so you can experience the sun at all. 3 days ago
Time to nerd this shit! 🥸
There were several counting systems:
In the times before the light bulb work could only be done during the day. Candles made from beewax were too expensive for the peasants. If they used candles instead of kindling they were made from tallow and created a lot of smut and didn’t gave much light. That made them a bit unpopular. I wonder why? 👤
At least in my country work days were divided in morning, midday, afternoon and night. You worked your field during the morning, went to market at midday, did handyman work and chores during afternoon and slept during night time. 2 days ago
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