Comment on The Simple Act of Buying a Graphics Card Is the Defining Misery of PC Gaming in 2025 5 days ago
Been that way for years. There was a brief respite when people were switching to ASIC bitcoin mining and away from GPU intensive mining and you could actually get a GPU for a fair price, retail, non-scalper price gouging.
Now it’s right back to basically unaffordable for a name brand GPU. Literally more than a mortgage payment. 4 days ago
I wish my mortgage was that low. 4 days ago
Beats me how much your mortgage is, prices I’m seeing for a 4080 Ti are north of $2500. 4 days ago
Others were saying $2k… I am thankfully under $2500. Though I forgot insurance is wrapped in my monthly payment. So maybe I am under even $2k. I know rent around here is between $1k and $2k a month for a two bedroom apt though.