Comment on That's why it's called science fiction duh

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But Idiocracy’s point still stands, the most poorly educated in that scenario will be the ones to reproduce the most.

I don’t think that there’s a compelling argument against population control as the future looms, how it is implemented is what I think is up for debate.

I strongly believe in personal freedom, but in an overpopulated world, I’m not certain that freedom should extend to reproduction.

Here’s where I get a little eugenic-y, and it feels icky, downvote if you must, but I’d prefer an intelligent reply. Why should a species, faced with the problem of overpopulation and gifted the power of sentience, not elevate it’s best and suppresses it’s worst? Maybe because I don’t feel a personal drive to have kids, my partner isn’t interested either, but it feels very selfish to think you personally have the right to add one more unregulated specimen to the petri dish.

Is it a huge turn away from what has made us human since forever? Yea, but wasn’t the Internet? Internal combustion engines? I don’t feel strongly enough about this to not be swayed in my ideas, but I just see it as a logical extension of a problem we face. What would Vulcans do?
