Comment on Steam Deck / Gaming News #4 4 days agoI think there is an option for DRM-free. It’s going to be a controversial take but…when companies pull this kinda thing? I’m more inclined to be a pirate girl than support this kind of process. 4 days ago
Yeah, but then you have to sift through the files with Canadian cable channel watermarks in the corner, and if you decide you want subtitles, you might not have them available. 4 days ago
Its far less than it used to be.
Check 1337 and you’ll see the quality of uploads is generally the exact same literal thing as you’d find on a streaming service, or disk.
I fucking loathe DRM. loathe it! 4 days ago
Not even the same quality, piracy is often better either because they combined multiple sources to get better quality or because streaming services won’t even give you the quality you pay for without jumping through their hoops. To the second point, Netflix stopped supporting pcm 5.1 audio on their desktop app so unless I have to pirate the shows I’m paying for unless I want to watch in stereo.