Idk that happens to me every time I try to sleep in public.
Actually basically any sort sleep.
Comment on Anon watches some reruns 1 week ago
Sleep deprivation. It’s borderline narcolepsy when you’ve deprived your body of meaningful sleep for so long that it skips all the bullshit and goes straight to REM sleep.
Used to happen to me a lot on the bus home after work. I’d just slip into a dream, scare myself awake thinking I missed my stop, and realize I was only half a mile down the road.
Idk that happens to me every time I try to sleep in public.
Actually basically any sort sleep. 1 week ago
But now imagine there was a way to trigger this on purpose and remain lucid.
Time dilution is absolutely real. Allowing us to experience more “life” per time but Its the controlling part that’s tricky. 6 days ago
Image 6 days ago
Image 6 days ago
I’ve read that keeping a dream journal helps. Basically, you’re training whatever part of your consciousness is still active in dream land to notice that it’s important. 6 days ago
I’ve always wondered - do we know what is actually the cause of this?
I’ve had this happen before in similar circumstances as the post but way less severe, and I always figured it was because the brain’s “processing speed” increased, allowing it to process a bigger quantity of information per unit of time, but I don’t think that would make sense given that entering this state usually needs you to be hella tired?