I’ve also heard that honey helps to confer resistance to allergies to things that were in the area where the honey was made. As such, OP might be missing out on environmental defense by not diversifying.
Comment on Does it make sense to buy a lifetime supply of honey?
Cenzorrll@lemmy.world 1 week ago
Sure you could. But I’ll offer a different perspective
All honey tastes different from different producers and areas, you’ll be missing out on some wonderful honey flavors if you buy that much in bulk. If it’s purely for sweetening, sure fine, do it. But if you want the flavor of honey, check out a farmers market and see what you’d be missing out on with bulk.
toynbee@lemmy.world 1 week ago
GraniteM@lemmy.world 1 week ago
The idea did occur that I’d better be damn sure that I like whatever honey I’ll be eating for the rest of my life.