There was a civil war about it.
I know that. I don’t deny that. But what was the outcome of it? They have reunited with gritted teeth.
Memorials are a good thing to remember people, but not very meaningful for that what I have talked about.
They have not admitted that it was wrong what they were doing
This is a straight up lie.
This is such a blatant lie, that I don’t even know what to say.
There was a civil war about it.
I know that. I don’t deny that. But what was the outcome of it? They have reunited with gritted teeth.
Memorials are a good thing to remember people, but not very meaningful for that what I have talked about.
Please reread that amendment slowly, word for word. See if you maybe missed something the first time.
Please reread my comment slowly, word for word. See if you maybe missed something the first time. 2 days ago
I kept waiting for that comment you are replying to take a turn and be a joke, but it never did. They actually believe America never admitted they did anything wrong when it came to slavery?
I too am at a loss for words. 2 days ago
Yo, I have no idea. I’m starting to believe that a lot of these anti-American accounts are Russian trolls. They’re so unnecessarily antagonizing and hypocritical. Of all political entities in the world to criticize someone else… Europe? EUROPE? Let’s take a look at the hypocrisy.
The US is racist!
The US had slavery!
The US supports the genocide of Palestine!
The US spends too much on military and not enough on social welfare!
The US invaded Iraq!
The US is belligerent!
The US dropped atomic bombs!
The US has terrible healthcare!
The US thinks too highly of itself!
The US is too religious!
As far as I can tell, Europe starts shit and the US is left cleaning up the mess. Then, Europe talks shit about the US for trying to fix the problems it creates while they sit over there basking in the resources they extracted. WTF is that?
Extra: Texas is stupid for wanting to leave the union! 2 days ago
I think the left is way too anti-american these days and I think the right needs to recognize that we aren’t always so star spangled awesome anymore either.
It’s disingenuous to pretend that America has done nothing good and are nothing but a bunch of fat racist losers or whatever they say.
But it’s also disingenuous to try and pretend like America is number 1 in everything all the goddamn time.
Since this is Lemmy I pretty much only ever see people taking huge stinking turds all over America and aggressively so. I’m not normally patriotic in any major way but listening to these people just straight up lie about America constantly starts to get to me at some point.