You did the right thing, some times people just want to complain and victimise themselves, and then rope in other family members to validate that.
You shouldn’t be made into her flying monkey and I’m so happy you stood up for yourself!
Sad about the fish, but there will be more fish in the future! 13 hours ago
if I was so blunt and assertive the manipulators in my fam would then ring up other people and tell them lies, saying I abused them
I just ignore them now 13 hours ago
Some of the family already don’t like her, I did lie and say I don’t speak to any of them and haven’t in months but she effectively pocketed money she wasn’t entitled to and she was caught out and now making it like she’s the victim which is why she’s being scrutinised so much by the family and all the paperwork is under a microscope now.
I will be ignoring her now if she tries to call, I’ve been ignoring her texts already. 11 hours ago
If that was my fam they might mumble a little but do and say nothing when they are ripped off.
The ones doing the ripping off are always the mean selfish ones yet no one says or does anything. I try to stick up for family but the victims are too frightened. 🤷♀️ 11 hours ago
Sorry, incase it wasn’t making much sense, my aunty is the one who pocketed money that she wasn’t entitled to so everyone else is making her return it in full before they let my aunty execute the will. 13 hours ago
If I was that blunt and assertive I would have told her to fuck off and leave me alone.
I don’t have anything to do with her except for her being the executor of the will. 12 hours ago
I dream of telling some family members to fuck off and leave me alone