My Canadian son in law is frightened, n/k, and the Young Seagoons are staying in NZ and then Australia as long as they can.
Comment on Discussion Thread: Sunday, 2 March 2025 2 days ago
Just got off the phone with my younger son (the one in Florida). He’s given in his notice effective immediately, and his wife starts her new job in Germany in April, so they’re getting out as soon as they can. They expect to fly out at the end of this coming week, leaving all accumulated stuff behind bar photos and important documents. I wasn’t expecting them to go for another month or so, but he reckons the USA is turning extremely nasty on the street so the sooner the better. They’re going straight to Germany but plan on coming home for a visit over next Xmas or so. I’m more than a little relieved that they’re leaving the USA. 2 days ago 2 days ago
They’re smart people. 2 days ago
Great news. I’m sure it’ll be a big relief once they’re actually out. 2 days ago
Counting the days. 2 days ago
This whole thing is so ominous. 2 days ago
He describes the situation as a powderkeg. He’s pretty good at reading the room too. So is his wife, who is a very sharp observer indeed. 2 days ago
What happened? I’ve been trying to avoid the news.
I really hope they get out safely 2 days ago
Too much has happened recently to give a comprehensive thumbnail sketch, but basically the USA is imploding. I’d continue to avoid the news if possible, unless you have friends/family over there.